Friday, July 8, 2011

what happend to my crafty corner ???

Did I stop crafting, or did I have a really heavy clean up...

It's neither of those things. We are selling and moving. Not to another country, not to another part of Norway, not even to another town. Just to the other side of the fjord.... So all my craft supplies, except for the box and tote in the right corner of this picture is in boxes. This means that I will not have access to all my goodies, but I will try to create with the things I have. One thing I know is that I have to be creative and maybe think outside the box, and that is good. 

I also have my Art Journal and some paint, so I'm not worried.

And the best news of all this is that I will get my own big studio in out new home. Pictures will come and I have to start thinking of planing the room. I have to make it all from scratch, right now it is just a big room with big windows on one wall other than that, a blank canvas. 

So any good ideas, links to inspirations, must have and do not... I'll be happy to receive them all. Please leave me a comment, it will make me very happy and when I've moved and start tidy up in my room I think I need to have a clearance aka candy collected together from my stuff. But that will be in another post...

For the list I have already one thing on it already...

- I want a SINK in the room.


  1. Hi min kjære venn! Ser så ryddig ut på bildene!(du har altid kontrol egentlig). Så jeg gleder meg til å se en ny plass!
    Mange klem

  2. What exciting news! Hope the move goes well and please send me your new address... hugs, Jo x

  3. I felt this way when we moved! I can't wait to see the new space! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Her var en tom hobbykrok ja. ;) Det er rart når man holder på med noe mens det meste av tingene ens er pakket vekk. Blir litt sånn "åhh, nå skulle jeg hatt DEN men hvor søren er den nå... ". Men jeg tenker du klarer å tenke utenfor boksen helt fint jeg, du er så kreativ og flink! Blir spennende å se hvordan det nye hobbyrommet i det nye huset blir da. Høres jo flott ut med store vinduer og masse lys! Og en vask er helt klart en fordel å ha i nærheten!

    Ha en flott helg!
    Klem Kari

  5. How cool is that!! I can't wait to see your new space.. The only thing I think I would change in my craft space is better lighting. Maybe its my age, but sometimes I have such a bad time seeing those tiny little projects..

    Hugs, Linda

  6. Oh my! It will be wonderful to have your new room set up. In the meantime I'm sure you'll come up with something fab will the little that you do're very creative!

  7. Fantastisk at du får så stor deilig plass å bare kose deg på, jeg er sikker på at du finner smarte løsninger for oppbevaring or arbeidsplass. Blir spennende å se hvordan du får det. Jeg gleder meg på dine vegne.

  8. Jeg fant den fine bloggen din idag via ScrappeHuset.
    En vask skulle jeg også gjerne hatt på mitt hobbyrom :)


I want to thank every single one of you for taking the time to comment on my work, it's much appreciated!!

Crew Member Wednesday - Treasure box

Hi, this is my November project for Crew Member Wednesday